Vendor Type

Agricultural Producers
Producers are selected based on the uniqueness of your products. All products must be grown in California and listed on the farmer’s Certified Producer’s Certificate (CPC).


Please upload the following documentation with your application.
• CDFA Certificate of Organic Registration & Organic Certification Service document (if applicable)

Meat/Dairy/Dairy Alternatives/Cheese

Producers in this category will be placed in the Non-Certified Agricultural Section of the farmers market if you grow the trees or cows that generate the processed product. Otherwise you will be considered a Retail Food Vendor (please check the Food Vendor section).

Producers are selected based on the uniqueness of your products.

Please upload the following documentation with your application.
• Milk plant permits (manufacturer’s, milk handlers, etc)

Plant Vendors

The following only applies to the Outer Sunset Farmers Market & Mercantile. At all other events you would fall under the Makers/Merchants/Artists & Organizations category.

Flowers can only be sold by an agricultural producer who grows the flowers with a valid CPC.

Producers with a CPC will be placed with other agricultural vendors. All products must be grown in California and listed on the grower’s CPC. Producers cannot sell their plants with a value added product (pots, holders, etc).

Plant vendors who do not grow their plants can join our mercantile section of the market. Vendors can only sell a value added product and include the plant as part of the sale. Vendors cannot sell the plants by itself. Value added products include decorated pots, macrame holders, artistic kits, etc.

Please upload the following documentation with your application.

  • CPC [farmers market]
  • License to sell Nursery Stock [all events]

Food Vendors
All prepared food both prepackaged and food prepared for on site consumption must be produced by the food vendor. All food is subject to a tasting sample before being allowed to join our market.

Food vendors at our farmer’s market fall under the following categories (at all other events ALL food vendors will be categorized as a TFF). Spaces bigger than a 10×20 will need prior approval

Temporary Food Facilities (TFFs)
Any vendor who sells food that must be prepared on site (including packaged foods). This includes:
• Open Flame Food Vendors: Vendors that require fuel (propane, butane, etc.) or a power source on site at the market
• Cottage Food Operators (CFO): Any vendors that produce or repackage specific low risk food products from their private homes.

Retail Food Vendors (RFVs) – the below only applies to farmers markets you will be classified as a TFF (above) for all other events
Any vendor who sells non-certified agricultural products such as pre-packaged foods that are processed, packaged and labeled from an approved source and does not require food preparation onsite. Food must be made at an approved Commissary or permitted kitchen. Vendors would need a Processed Food Registration to qualify.

Mobile Food Facilities/Food Trucks
Please state the size of your truck in your application.

Makers/Merchants/Artists & Organizations


Makers, small businesses, entrepreneurs, reps, artists, nonprofits and organizations. Must have or be working on obtaining a California Seller’s Permit unless exempt.

Secondhand Vendors
Vendors interested in selling secondhand items at our farmers market please reach out to Trinity at for prior approval before applying. Vendors will be required to have their stall space set up in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

Prior approval is not required for any other events besides the farmers market.

Musicians please fill out this form: Musicians/Entertainers.

Sponsors and vendors who wish to support our events, please contact our Sponsorship Manager, Mary at